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There are a few things that should be verified and setup before the installation of PageGate:


1. If you are upgrading from a previous registered version of PageGate, be sure to obtain a new registration key for PageGate before installing the new version of PageGate.


2. Be sure your hardware meets the minimum requirements for PageGate version 5.x


3. Be sure the computer on which PageGate is going to be installed is configured for your network. The monitoring program uses TCP/IP. Although TCP/IP is not required for running PageGate, it is recommended that it be installed on the system running the PageGate server so the monitoring program can function properly.


4. Be sure that you have sufficient permissions (if applicable) to install new programs on the chosen computer.


5. If PageGate is to be run as a System Service on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003, be sure you have an account configured with the 'log on as a service' right. Please refer to the section titled 'Run Styles' for more information.


6. In some cases, you will be asked to restart your computer after the installation of PageGate. If so, this must be done before PageGate is run. Be sure that you install PageGate at a time when this can be done.


7. Always be sure to have a complete backup of your system before installing any new software! The installation of PageGate is not and exception to this rule.